Kenyataan ini dibuat oleh kumpulan Lotus dalam laman web rasminya & menyatakan laporan media sebelum ini berkenaan hasrat mereka untuk keluar dari syarikat induknya Proton adalah TIDAK TEPAT. Mereka berpendapat dengan hasil kerjasama dengan Proton, mereka dapat merealisasikan plan 5 tahun akan datang mereka. Proton selama ni telah banyak membantu dari segi kewangan untuk memulihkan Lotus. Dalam perkembangan yang sama projek kereta kecil global antara Proton & Lotus sedang berjalan & bakal memasuki pasaran 2014. Diharap kenyataan ini tidak menimbulkan kontroversi lagi seperti sebelum ni.
sumber :
* Cepat je Dany Bahar buat kenyataan balas, tau pun takut..lain kali kena hati-hati buat statement
Dany Bahar baca juga funtasticko rupanya. 🙂
tak mungkin la bro, ni semua diorg dapat dari respons2 dari org luar.. terutama sekali web yg buat cerita sensasi ni, insideline.. 🙂
sebenarnya danny bahar kena sound dgn proton.. hihihi … dan lagi satu kalau diandaikan Danny Bahar mmg benar ada niat nak cabut Lotus dari Proton .. kenapa pula dia buat kenyataan bagitau kat media sekian dan sekian? .. kenapa tak buat diam2 saja sampai Proton tenat dan realisasikan apabila sampai masanya? semua ni walaupun tak mustahil… tapi kurang masuk akal.
Apa2 hal pun kalau baca forum auto.. mmg ramai gak org yg tak suka Danny dan wasangka dia macam2.. hahaha.. hakikat sebenar tatauler. hihi.
back to question , does gen y engine developed by lotus.?
yes bro.
ada projek lain selain family y enjin, emas & persona r yg proton & lotus bangunkan? mana la tau platform baru ke.. 🙂
Y block engine ni yanag macam Ford tu ke atau namanya Family Y engine?
thanks theking.
glad to here that. and if this Y engine have a potential to be market as a global engine, thats good news.
by the way back to old question. is iafm+ with variable valve timing.? just to clear the doubt.
The Midweek Motorsport show on recently received a communication from inside the factory and it makes rather grim reading for anyone with even the slightest regard for the provenance of the Lotus brand. It contained the following revelations:
– Lotus Cars have exhausted their supply of Toyota engines for their road cars so only the supercharged Elise, Exige and Evora can be manufactured.
– 100 members of staff have recently taken voluntary redundancy.
– There is every likelihood that 50-100 more staff will lose their jobs.
– The levels of unallocated (un-sold) stock is rising rapidly with approximately 200 cars now in US port stock
– Sales forecasts have been reduced to the point that about a fifth of the forecast is currently unallocated stock waiting to find buyers
– Dealerships have been served with two year notices of termination
– Lotus have borrowed over $100M to cover existing budget shortfalls with more to come early in 2011
– Lotus paid Renault F1 $14.5m in November.
– The current monthly salary commitment is $6.47M and that was before Nigel Mansell and Jean Alesi were announced as Brand Ambassadors.
sebab utama ialah lotus berada di no man land.Terlalu mahal untuk orang-orang enthusiast yang beli kereta2 kit macam Caterham tapi terlalu basic untuk market yang selalu cari kereta macam Lambo, Ferrari etc. Aku suspect Caterham pun akan ada masalah sama once diorang masuk market traditional Lotus.
bg aku la..lotus should stay marketingnya yg skrg ini yg still niche market yg above dari caterham product dan below lambo products… kalau nak upmarket masuk lambo segment itu bole tp take times and alot of step by step funding by introducing model2 yg dany nk marketkan tu…
cara utk cutcost lagikan dan share costing adalah dengan buat satu 3rd brand fusion between lotus dan proton yg targeting group sales premium mcm bmw or audi, ala mcm honda buat acura sebegitu… dalam range model 3rd brand ni bole range dari premium sedan cars with lotus tech smpai lah ke sport car ala audi r8 yg premium..di situ dah dpt share part n tech dan juga mengurangkan costing…
well itu je la pendapat aku…
Malangnya untuk sementara ini brand Proton ialah terlalu weak, at least perceptively. Gabungkan dua brand tu wont do justice for Lotus. It’ll take saya predict five to ten years for this to be a feasible option. Proton dan brand Buatan Malaysia in general sekarang dalam phase yang dilalui oleh brand dari Taiwan few decades back dan brand Jepun earlier.
hang tau tak yahoo … sbb apa Proton buat perubahan kat Lotus camtu?? sebbb… keter Lotus Niche market skrg tak bawa keuntungan! jadi ini adlah percubaan Lotus- Proton untuk buat untung… setiap usaha dan percubaan tentulah ada risiko.. tapi kalau tak cuba dah pasti takkan berjaya.
if campro iafm+ (turbo or SC) have a 1.8 engine option it can offer it for elise or exige use.
why cant campro is rally proven. and internal part might be what group N has.
right now campro variant is 1300 and 1600. so they cant have it
maybe ,gen Y proton engine later will offer a true lotus engine in lotus car where there lines in wider range, this probally will justify proton – lotus, lotus -proton.
en. bahar cakap Lotus Evora bakal diberi “makeover” pada rupa luaran & dalaman supaya mengikut halatuju Lotus untuk 5 tahun akan datang, selain itu Lotus bakal menjadi Porsche untuk British iaitu pembuat kereta sport aka sukan premium berbanding Ferrari yang lebih kepada kereta mewah.. 🙂
Dari dulu lagi kawan dah bagi cadangan supaya Proton bawa balik je Lotus ni based kat Shah Alam. R&D Proton dan Lotus ni biar aje kat Centre of Excellent tu. Tanah yang kat Norfolk tu, Proton jual aje (harga sure tinggi) lepas tu tiap-tiap tahun tak payah bayar cukai tanah & cukai pintu kat kerjaan British. Dari segi tukaran mata wang dah banyak kita untung kat sini. 2nd phase pula, semua manufacturing dipindahkan ke Proton City, Tanjung Malim. Lotus production di Shah Alam sebab kuantitinya tak bnayak. Sebahagian tanah kat Shah Alam tu Proton boleh pajak kat Sime Darby untuk develop. Harga tanah kat sini tinggi. Ini boleh bagi pendapatan samapingan yang bereterusan kepada proton. Dengan pendapatan ini dan rasionalisasi overhead insyaAllah lebih banyak model baru yang lebih baik dapat proton keluarkan sebab duit lebih inilah yang akan memacu R&D produk baru Proton. Dari segi ekonomi pula, duit kita tak la ke negara penjajah kita dulu tu dan buka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan kat negara kita untuk anak tempatan tak kira Bumiputera atau tidak. Harap DSZ boleh bincangkan perkara ni dalam mesyuarat akan datang.
ha.. ni baru betul ‘TRANSFER TEKNOLOGI’… dengan Lotus skali transfer ke bumi Malaysia.. hehe
Proton dlm proses utk pindah ke Tg. Malim.
Kalau macam tu, apa jadi dengan logistic hub di Sijangkang?
maintain ler. proton s.alam semua akan berpindah ke tg. malim.
theking, R&D kat Tg. Malim dah ready ke?
hangpa ingat senang2 ka nak berpindah randah.. haha. Lotus ni jenama british.. Proton akan sedaya upaya akan biarkannnya terkait dengan british di segi perkerja dan hq. sbb semua tu bersangkut paut dengan jenama Lotus. kes ni macam contoh kalau proton tak mau danny bahar.. bukan mudah2 je nak tendang dia… banyak professional2 yg dia bawak masuk ke Lotus , loyalty mereka kebarangkalian besar kepada danny.. bila Danny kena tendang.. depa pun akan ikut sekali.. kalau nak pindah pun pasti Proffesional2 dalam Lotus takkan setuju.
Takdelah senang mana, tapi boleh. Ini bukannya hukum Allah atau Al-Quran yang kita tak boleh ubah. Tata pun dah start pindahkan R&D Jaguar/land Rover ke India, Geely pun dah bawa Volvo ke China. Tau tak masa BMW nak jual Land Rover ni dia ambik dulu brand nama Mini Cooper. Jual macam tin kosong aje masa tu. Maknanya strategi dia jual tu penuh bermakna dan untungkan dia.
bro Azrai, Lotus Engineering ada hq dia kat Cyberjaya tak silap saya..tapi tak tau la kat sini diorg buat pe..mungkin hub diaorg di rantau Asia agaknya..based dia masih lagi di Hethel
yang paling valuable kat lotus ialah orangnya. Takde makna kalau bawak mesin balik semata. Buat rugi duit minyak kapal je. 🙂
Bro Campro, Proreka telah dibeli oleh AutoV
AutoV Acquires Proreka (M) Sdn Bhd
KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 (Bernama) — AutoV Corporation Bhd has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with other shareholders to acquire a 100 per cent equity interest in Proreka (M) Sdn Bhd for a total consideration of RM27.88 million.
In a statement Wednesday, AutoV said the purchase would be made through a RM2.788 million cash payment, the issuance of 6.525 million new ordinary shares of RM1 in AutoV at an issue price of RM1.44 each and the issuance of 10.9 million redeemable convertible preference shares of RM0.01 each at an issue price of RM1.44 each.
Proreka is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sourcing of parts for the automotive industry. Its operations are located in Malaysia.
“The proposed acquisition is in line with the company’s strategic plans to grow the AutoV group into an enlarged and integrated producer of automotive parts with a more diversified range of products and clientele.
“It is also expected to strengthen the competitiveness of the AutoV Group in order to capitalise on the Malaysian automotive sector,” AutoV said.
sekarang ni Proreka dah bawah AutoV.. maknanya lepas ni boleh berkembang lebih besar lagi la.. 🙂
wow…all followers has too many info..
Lotus yang ada di Malaysia. 🙂
ni alamat dia
Lotus Engineering Malaysia Sdn Bhd (486101-M)
Lot 1-5, Enterprise 3, Technology Park Malaysia,
Lebuhraya Puchong-Sg. Besi, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Bro Campromania,
Rasanya diorang just register Lotus Engineering tu kat Cyberjaya untuk dapatkan status MSC Company. Ni ada kaitan dengan insentif (subsidi) dalam bentuk geran dan pengecualian cukai.
tak boleh bla.. hahahaha
Rasanya nanti last resort Tony Fernandes akan beli Lotus Group ni untuk retaliate Group Lotus. Lagipun company ni dah established since 1881. Ada business hotel, entartainment, property, plantation, supply foreign workers, F&B puan ada.
rasain lo Dany Bahar…huh!!!
kalau nak transfer ke malaysia…. dah macam ” Projek Serbuan Subuh ” yang terkenal tuh….
talikng about transfering lotus to malaysia.
maybe the right for lotus to stay in their home land for reason.
1, environment ,where most technology starts from there, knowledge assisibility. high end motorsport. unversities, and other nearby resources germany france and italy.
(not saying that asia is no good but there are Asian who work for them too)
2. sentiment and romanticism.
just my 4 ringgit and twenty five cents.
skrg atkinson pulak.. hihi.
However, Atkinson would probably be the first to admit that his time at Proton has been a disaster. The car’s constant unreliability has continually seen him parked on the side of stages with mechanical problems that the team can’t seem to overcome.
never mind, we put flying singh in the driver’s seat.
but before that ,fix all the electrical parts first.
haha… betul apa yg dikatakan Atkinson tu walaupun pahit.. mmg selalu jem s2000 nih. Proton R3 dan Mem kena buat sesuatu.
if this true..
Proton shud find Atkinson replacement..might be he is a Proton disaster..
Yang hairannya..kenapa Atko sahaja yang duk kena electrical failure..Walhal Mcrae tak pulak..
dia tak familiar lagi kot…tp pro driver mana leh gitu..hehehe
tengokla kat rally ukraine sekg.. masaalah engine lagik.. dah bertahun dah.. huhu
this is an example of how S2000 car can be civilised to the street. imagine the satria neo s2000 or super2000 in style as a production car.
ni berita terbaru…
lotus sales is sluggish.and 5 year plan is very expensive unless ir really really a success. how about lotus really hit the road by developing a real affordable street car like golf gti , megane, honda type r. or more cheaper if lotus can employ existing proton chassis with some weight saving technology and also uprated the newer upper range of the generation y engine.
and if they join the proton assembly line most probally it will cost 80-90k MYR for a high performance daily lotus car
agree with u bro, that’s why Proton & Lotus plan to introduce a sub brand under their collaboration project..they can use Proton/Lotus future model & tuned/upgrade it.. at the same time Proton can expand their market & get economic scale.. i think EMAS will be the 1st model under this sub brand