Saya telah mendapat foto spyshots terbaru melalui email hari ini daripada sahabat kita, Zizi yang inginkan kepastian sama ada kereta di atas adalah GSC @ P2-30A. Namun tiada sebarang info mengenai lokasi kereta ini ditemui. Jika diperhatikan pada papan tanda jalan, berkemungkinan lokasinya di lebuhraya NKVE (betulkan kalau silap ye). Hanya foto bahagian belakang buat masa ini. Jika ada lagi rakan-rakan yang terserempak dengan model ini dan sempat mengambil gambar, emailkan kepada saya ye. 🙂
* Harap maaf kerana telalu lama tak kemas kini blog disebabkan masalah kesihatan dan situasi banjir yang amat serius di Kuantan. Rumah family saya dan saudara-mara teruk terjejas. Jika anda yang ingin membantu mangsa-mangsa banjir boleh emailkan kepada saya.
Semoga Allah permudah urusan bro izarul d kuantan…
terima kasih bro, doakan kami semua di sini..dengar kata gelombang kedua makin hampir, dalam 2 hari lagi
Smpat lgi nk post psl spy shot…dmi kmajuan automotif m’sia…bgus2 haha
Gambar dah baekk ni, syg le xde bhg lain.
jangan lampu belakang seakan akan myvi udah le
mengharapkan design yang jauh lebih baik drpd savvy n spec yang lebih baik..kalau gsc ni ‘boom’, myvi n viva boleh pegi jahanam..hehe..
take my like
#off topic..alza facelift 2014 coming soon..ada model se n advanced version,ada screen monitor dvd kat bumbung..boleh check dekat blog
Kat sini pun ada, facelift model 2014..
saya ada test beberapa model mpv kebelakangan ni, saya cuba duduk di seat row ke 3 pusing bandar.
beberapa model mpv kecik tu,
aduh… kesian penumpang belakang tu memang duduk bercangkung.. kalau jalan jauh, lagi kesian, kalau row ke 3 takleh orang duduk, baik lagi beli 5 seater.
Xda yg menarik pon, still same ah bengnize old shit death trap milo tin..
Dsign pelik…dvd player? 2009 lgi dh ada dah..
Kalaulah lampu belakang dia horizontal kan best… baru lain dari yg lain. ini Vertical dah macam myvi jer nampak… ke yg ni Viva Replacement???
untuk design belakang, jangan letak harapan tinggi kepada proton. as usual, it is epic failure for proton. hehe
Bila launch ni?
New NFE engine?
Kalau tgk trade plate tu, spyshot Exora pernah guna trade plate ni. Confirmed it is Proton GSC due to its compact hatch bodystyle.
For trade plate reference :
The body is stronger than myvi for sure i bet, but for a small car so far savy hasnt diminish from my appreciation for the cutist car by proton but the engine and gearbox shoul have sourced from toyota or mitsubishi instead of renault, the modular campro 3 clyinden has never been materialised which its simply could be the 3 clynder CFE 930cc turbo, quite powerful for a small car though.
Just a tought,,
i hope proton will do the right thing for their GSC this time, in terms of design and powertrain. what a waste if they can’t produce a proper compact car to challenge at least perodua.
if they can’t do that, they should go direct to produce b segment sedan to replace current saga. Just give the compact car market to others if proton is just so-so in this segment.
ibuku ingin membeli Persona SV.. ok x Persona? sape skrg pakai?
HONDA BRIO with Proton GSC …..
Myvi : body tin Milo recycled.. thats why la jimat minyak.. hahha
Sbrnya Proton bole lebih awal bjaya share masuk segmen keta kompak ni.. tp syg.. Mahaleel turn out this segment jadi SAWI buruk.. really spoiled!! ramai kecewa rekabantu SAWI.. wpun dikatakan bagus handling or what ever.. so jgn marah la aku kata SAWI buruk.. klu xburuk sudah lama laku mcm MaiBie.. heheh.. TinMilo Recycled.. so hopefully time ni jgn ade lagi Mahaleel ke-2 dlm Proton yg akan turn GSC ni lari dr prototype concept.. quality 1st!
Savy is ok,
the problem is imported parts are quite expensive, short sevice life scheduled for waterpump
AMT expert is lacking in proton technicals,
if savy was fitted with other than renault powerplant, it would be just perfect.
conclusion, finally mcm xok jgk flaw.. etc..
1s impression.. tinggi dan tak lebar.. akan efek handling, seat position & overall look
GSC ni akan compete secara langsung dgn best seller banyak tahun Myvi.. so proton kena buat produk yang jauh lebih baik lagi.. nak fight balik naikkan nama proton bukan senang… tengok website lain rata2 inginkan proton gulung tikar…
prove it proton, jangan hampakai ramai lagi kipas susah mati proton yang sampai sekarang masih menyokong walaupun sekeliling mereka orang yang inginkan proton mati.
Belakang mmg burok…haha
love love love the comment from the deputy editor himself;
Daniel DeGasperi to Aero • 2 days ago −
Good spot, Aero. When we tested the Preve a few months it was $18,990 driveaway and we suggested it needed to be reduced by $3000-4000 to be more competitive. It is now $15,990 driveaway. The Suprima S here offers a 1.6 turbo and touchscreen infotainment, in addition to other improvements, for the same price the non-turbo 1.6 Preve was a few months ago. Proton are moving in the right direction, clearly. Cheers, Dan, deputy editor, CarAdvice
Ade pic baru lebih jelas…..
Proton Persona SV dah launch. Admin update la.
Baru nmpak 2 bijik keta ni kat cameron ptg td.. xsmpat nak shoot gmbr..