Spyshots terbaru P3-22A ini telah dimuat naik di laman web www.arenakereta.com. Menurut info mereka, tiga buah P3-22A ini sedang berhenti di stesen minyak Esso, Bukit Merah. Gambar ini telah berjaya diambil oleh William Chiew. Jelas kelihatan beberapa staf Proton sedang menunggu kereta tersebut supaya gambar bahagian dalaman tidak dapat diambil. 🙂
alamak..rearlamp menegak ke..adoii.tk lawa.
cam harapan hampa masa tnggu design bontot preve dulu jek..
pt bontot bulat cam kbanyakan design skg..sekali melekung kedalam + kegabak petak..
hope yg bkn harpana palsu..hahaha
EuroNCAP has announced that starting from 2014, Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) will be included in EuroNCAP’s overall star rating. It is compulsory for Proton to install this system for all the models including facelift models and of course for the all new models to archive the 5 Star Rating.
Make sure (Proton) also install this system for domestic market including the upcoming P3-22A Preve Hatchback. This system should be in the list even before 2014 for domestic market.
Thank you.
letih ak pasal keta neh, xkuar2 pon… menayang je lebih.. adus
Hopefully the high end variant comes with 6 airbags as many manufacturers started to offer 6 airbags for Malaysian market, plus with existing standard safety features available like the current Preve high end variant.
sy da terserempak dengan model ini…dan sy telah pn lihat bahagian dalaman model ini…tranmision yg digunakan adalah manual 6kelajuan…bahagian dalaman sama seperti preve tetapi material yg digunakan nmpak lebih kerkualiti…tentang bahagian enjin sy xdpt sebarang info…kerusi balutan kulit dan pada pndangan sy…trim pada model ini adalah yg terbaek dlm barisan model proton…malang skali sy tidak dibenarkan mengambil sebarang gambar model berkenaan…:)
Kalau perhatikan betul2, bumper depan P3-22A putih ada sensor. mungkin parking sensor utk highline.
ask the new G to make this feature as a compulsory item.. =)
saya setuju dgn komen zawawi mohd. tombol gear 6 speed manual tu mmg cun. kami sama2 melihat bahagian interior kereta tersebut.
lampu blakang pakai bulb biase,,,,tkde led
harap2 model P3-22A ini akan diperkenalkan bersama-sama preve sedan yg telah dipertingkatkan spesifikasinya seperti 6 airbags, reverse camera, leather seat.
-Masih ada pembeli preve batch terkini yg masih mengadu ttg masalah kereta mereka. Perkara ini pun mestilah dikenalpasti dan diselesaikan.
bukan senang nak keluarkan sesuatu model…byk proses development yg harus diambil kira…bkn mcm buat cucur..bancuh tepung,goreng then jual…byk aspek perlu diambil kira…bagi memenuhi standard dan spesifiikasi yg ditetapkan automotive global requirement…
insyaAllah,model tetap akan dikeluarkan tahun ini…
Proton has to push harder and come out with new models faster and meeting all the future EU regulations and also not only ANCAP rating but also Global NCAP and EuroNCAP rating standards. Proton has to equip same equipment levels for domestic market too.
As I posted earlier, EuroNCAP has announced that starting from 2014, Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) will be included in EuroNCAP’s overall star rating. It is compulsory for Proton to install this system for all the models including facelift models and of course for the all new models to archive the 5 Star Rating.
If you launch model late, for sure you will not meet the regulations. Preve archived 5 star rating in ANCAP recently. But in November 2013 and the latest January 2014, it will not get five star once it hit the road in Europe such as in England. So, this Preve have to install AEB to archive 5 star rating.
Make sure (Proton) also install this system for domestic market including the upcoming P3-22A Preve Hatchback (at least for high line variant at first). This system should be ready and in the list even on November 2013 for domestic market. Proton, are you ready for this?
Proton should always keep updating what’s next for EU regulations and NCAP and other automotive standard even for 2014-2016. Some already released by particular organisations.
from what I know this hatch are mainly for export market…
laaa… untuk market export je ke?
Tapi saya ada berbual dengan Agen Proton..
Katanya dalam tahun ni Model Hatchback ni keluar.
Saya dan standby tunggu taknak ambil kereta baru tau..
Saya nak tunggu model Hatchback ni..
Puas kali kalu..insyaAllah saya ambil..
So pada Proton rugi la jika model ni utk export je..
Anda mgkin dah hilang satu potensi pelanggan baru.
Hatchback Manual 6 speed untuk export .malaysia cuma cfe cvt3 .